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Propagates a kalisForwardTable to a downstream variant. The table is updated in-place.


  t = fwd$l + 1,
  nthreads = min(parallel::detectCores(logical = FALSE), fwd$to_recipient -
    fwd$from_recipient + 1)



a kalisForwardTable object, as returned by MakeForwardTable().


a kalisParameters object, as returned by Parameters().


a variant to move the forward table to. Must be greater than or equal to current variant of fwd. By default, it advances to the next variant downstream (or if an uninitialised table, to the first variant).


if a scalar, the number of CPU cores to use. If a vector, launch as many threads as the length of the vector and attempt to pin the threads to those CPU cores (requires system to support thread affinity). By default uses the parallel package to detect the number of physical cores.


There is nothing returned.

NOTE: for performance reasons, fwd is updated in-place.


Forward implements the forward algorithm to advance the Li and Stephens rescaled hidden Markov model forward probabilities to a new target variant. Naturally, this can only propagate a table to variants downstream of its current position.

For mathematical details please see Section 2 of the kalis paper (Aslett and Christ, 2024). Note that the precise formulation of the forward equation is determined by whether the flag use.spiedel is set in the parameters provided in pars.


Aslett, L.J.M. and Christ, R.R. (2024) "kalis: a modern implementation of the Li & Stephens model for local ancestry inference in R", BMC Bioinformatics, 25(1). Available at: doi:10.1186/s12859-024-05688-8 .

See also

MakeForwardTable() to generate a forward table; Backward() for the analogous backward propagation function; CopyTable() to create a copy of table.


# Load the toy haplotype example and set toy parameters

#> Warning: haplotypes already cached ... overwriting existing cache.

rho <- CalcRho(diff(SmallMap))
pars <- Parameters(rho)

# Create the forward table we want to propagate
fwd <- MakeForwardTable(pars)

# Calling Forward on this uninitialised table moves it to the first variant
Forward(fwd, pars)
#> Full Forward Table object for 300 haplotypes. 
#>   Current variant = 1 
#>   Memory consumed: 723.98 kB 

# And again moves it to the next variant (etcetera)
Forward(fwd, pars)
#> Full Forward Table object for 300 haplotypes. 
#>   Current variant = 2 
#>   Memory consumed: 723.98 kB 

# Or zoom to a particular variant
Forward(fwd, pars, 50)
#> Full Forward Table object for 300 haplotypes. 
#>   Current variant = 50 
#>   Memory consumed: 723.98 kB